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  • YB
    We are finding it cool when we get up, quite nice 10am - 4pm, then comes quite cool in the evening

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  • 4AMNTN
    That sux! I hate to hear it. Today's rainy ... then SNAP! COLD!!! next 10 -12 days -

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    Bummer. The trash - you mean just debris or ACTUAL trash?
    It will be both. Gardening waste, fast food containers, water bottles, plastic bags, clothes, syringes...much of the stuff comes from homeless encampments. Gardening waste comes from leaf blowers blasting leaves and lawn clippings into the street rather than raking or sweeping. We can't burn leaf piles here in So Cal because of air quality regulations.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Bummer. The trash - you mean just debris or ACTUAL trash? Glad for y'all to get some rain - the other is awful - what a mess.
    We had bad frost twice already a few weeks back - looked like it has snowed ... must have been first week of October - which was ODD for us.
    70's % 50's this voting week - then by the weekend in the 20's a night as far as the Acc Weather goes.

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  • Dan M.
    Our first big rainstorm of the season will be arriving overnight. It's not much compared to mid-West standards. We'll have no tornadoes and rainfall will probably only be an inch or so in our immediate area. Tons and tons and tons of garbage will get washed out of the streets and into storm drain channels and from there into the ocean though. The beaches will be a mess with it for the few days it will take to clean it up.

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  • YB
    We had a very slight frost on Friday morning. The sun had melted it all by 10am

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  • Gismo
    Quite mild, though the first frost of year isn't far away

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  • 4AMNTN
    Oh cute! hey Chuck! Hope u have a wonderful winter! Thanks for sharing Dan

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  • Gismo
    Sweet dreams Chuck

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  • Dan M.
    I was sure with the cooler weather that Chuck started his winter nap, but lo and behold, yesterday he was at the gate looking like he was expecting a handout. We're expecting a drop in temps of 5 or 6 degrees and some wet weather though, so I think this might've been it for Chuck this year.
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    Last edited by Dan M.; 03-11-2022, 12:59 AM.

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  • 4AMNTN
    low 60's overcast & rain. On a Sunday -- yes!!!

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  • 4AMNTN
    Beautiful Fall weather - not "much" change ... IMG_3528.jpg

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  • 4AMNTN
    Bless it - wonder if he gets lonely. Any FB update for him, pictures?
    Our cold snap is over for couple of weeks, whew. 70's for the next several days & 50's at night. BUT it already killed a lot of the fern leaves.

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  • Gismo
    Same as YB, been a wet and windy day, autumn is defo here to stay, i get the feeling that we will be having a hard winter

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    Chuck! Haven't seen him in a while -- does he have "family" that also stays? 50's - nice Dan. It's been 30 the past 4 nights... bought a pumpkin yesterday (sucker) tho we don't do Halloween. Y'all remember Veronica - she was really into the spooky scene, right?
    Chuck has no family that we're aware of, although his mother could easily still be alive if someone is taking good care of her. I guess the same would go for his father. Not that he would know either one of them if they appeared in the grass right next to him.

    From what I can see on Facebook, Veronica is still into the spooky scene, still submitting spooky stories and occasionally having them published in anthologies and magazines.

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