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What's your weather like?

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  • Dan M.
    80% of the time we get ocean breezes. 10% of the time we get dry desert winds called Santa Ana's. The other 10% we get summer monsoon moisture from the south. Rain usually comes as a rare bonus mixed in with the ocean breezes and even more rarely with the monsoons. Most of our flash flooding in the deserts and mountains comes with the monsoons.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Ahhh yes, humidity - what would the South do without it - ruining everything! this 106 heat index is awful! Dan I thought y'all get breezes from the ocean??? hope it ends for you soon!

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  • YB
    After a mainly wet Tuesday it's warm and sunny here. When I say warm I mean around 70. Very glad we are not having Dan's weather

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  • Dan M.
    It's so hot and sticky here right now. Ugh!! We have a high pressure area over Arizona that's sucking up tropical air from central Mexico and sending thunderstorms into our local deserts and mountains. Augh!! I don't know you folks back east STAND it, 4!! It's not that hot--mid to upper 80s--but it's so stinking humid!

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  • 4AMNTN
    Ahhhh 60 .....

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