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What's your weather like?

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    I'm seeing about CA weather out there Dan - u good?
    Yes, we're south of the worst stuff. Most of what we got blew through overnight Wednesday night/Thursday morning. By Thursday night it was all gone. I went to Disneyland Thursday night in fact because a lot of people had cancelled their reservations and made room for last minute guests to go. Today is sunny and mid-60s and I rode my motorcycle to work for the first time in a couple weeks.

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  • 4AMNTN
    I'm seeing about CA weather out there Dan - u good?

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  • 4AMNTN
    Yea Dan! I see that y'all are getting water…ha. Tho I'm glad — now the mud? We had a very nasty day yesterday… winds tornado watches - a little damage here where mom lives but not us. Hopefully no rain for the 2 hour drive home tonight.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Gismo
    Originally posted by Dan M. View Post
    Well, I said in my last post how desparately we need water. We're getting water, lol. WOW, are we getting water! With more to come! We'll see what this does to put a dent in this historic drought in the Western US.
    Nice one Dan, w could give you plenty, another day of on and off rainfall

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  • Dan M.
    Well, I said in my last post how desparately we need water. We're getting water, lol. WOW, are we getting water! With more to come! We'll see what this does to put a dent in this historic drought in the Western US.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Ha. Our weather has been warm - 60. & windy. Rain next week on & off. Weird how it's all different.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    And apparently we sti;; have a hosepipe ban!!
    I had to Google "hosepipe ban". We have watering restrictions here in Southern California and elsewhere too. Extreme drought in the southwestern US is at crisis level. We could really use some extreme rainfall and snowfall, even though they are also damaging. We desparately need the water, as does much of Europe it seems.

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  • YB
    Temp around 40 here in the north of England. Lots of rain though. And apparently we sti;; have a hosepipe ban!!

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  • Dan M.
    We had a typical warm spell over Christmas weekend. While the rest of the country was freezing, we had temps in the low 80s on Sat, Sun. and Mon. today is a transition day with rain moving in and unstable conditions for the next week and a half. If you watch the Rose Parade on Monday, you'll likely see a cloudy southern California, and possibly a very rare wet parade.

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  • 4AMNTN
    It has been unbelievably cold here since Thursday we reached -7? Thursday night/Friday morning early early it hasn't gotten above freezing temperatures since Thursday night for the first time ever we had rolling power outages on Saturday. I've never experienced that before and of course it snowed but the ice was the worst Thursday night & yucky thru Saturday but Sunday we were able to go to my moms for Christmas and it's snowing right now -just lightly. Just two hours south in Huntsville, Alabama where my mom lives they didn't get anything and it's cold too!
    This weekend 50s -60's first week of the New Year. Hope it lasts — I have LOTS of driving to do

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  • 4AMNTN
    40's… wow. I'm not from CA — the footage shown is unbelievable on the homeless. Can't get a job - housing— WONT get a job??? I can't imagine. It's sad & horrible on many fronts.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Dan M.
    Our highs are in the low 60s heading into the upper 60s. Lows at night are into the mid-to-low 40s. That's cold enough here that they open extra shelters for the 10s of thousands of homeless people on the streets in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

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  • YB
    After over a week of freezing temperatures we are forecast to warm up a little from Monday - high 40's. This will continue all week before cooling again for the Christmas weekend, not freezing but mid to high 30's

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  • 4AMNTN
    Talk about cold! It's going to be 3, 8 & 11 next week! so cold for family travels over the Christmas days.

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  • YB
    Thanks for the explanation, Fours

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