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What's your weather like?

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  • Dan M.
    Today is in the mid-90s!! What happened to fall??? At least the humidity level is fairly low. If we can get by without any new wildfires, we're supposed to be down to good cool seasonal weather by the weekend. Might even drop into the upper 50s at night! I think Chuck will take this cue to finally begin his winter nap.

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  • 4AMNTN
    NICE! Last nice evening for awhile. We have multiple cat flaps that we'll have to close tonight & for the next 2 weeks. Also, our mums & ferns will need to be covered as well.
    stay bundled y'all!

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  • YB
    It's approaching 3pm here in the north of England. The sun is shining, the temperature is in the mid to high 50's. Quite breezy but overall a decent day with more vof the same forecast for tomorrow

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  • 4AMNTN
    Yep, don't cha just love Fall! We finally had rain - a WINDY storm to be more specific - and a possible touch down of a tornado - bummer. But the rain tho!

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  • Gismo
    Cooler temps in the morning, be around high 50's, gets up a little in the afternoon, but, winter is defo coming

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  • YB
    We seem to be getting mainly dry days but with rain in the evenings / night. Ideal for us because we rarely venture out at night but not perfect for those who do

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  • 4AMNTN
    You and me both Dan ... it's been in the 30's -40's at night here. Last night 58. ?? But hold on to your hats ! It MAY RAIN this afternoon, thunderstorms of course, but it hasn't RAINED IN 30 DAYS here.

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  • Dan M.
    It's finally starting to look like the bad heat is behind us. I'm very ready for cooler weather.

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  • 4AMNTN
    It's beautiful today and the past 2 weeks -- wow! LOVE Fall.

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  • 4AMNTN
    YES! Brouwer! I remember the CAT image thx!

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  • 4AMNTN
    I appreciate so much that you do this for us -- I enjoy reading y'all's comments! seeing pictures! -- it's nice to think I have a "friend" in a far away land! Of course you too Dan! Always wanted to go to London since I was a young Beatles fan ... and most recently there Smithsonian Channel's : Scotland wow - it's beautiful. we said YEP, that's it --- our dream destination. It used to be the Itlay-France-England thing then Australia but since that episode - wow!

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  • YB
    Thank You. I think the few of us who remain are very grateful, Gis. A lesser man would have pulled the plug a while ago

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  • Gismo
    Aye, if i'm honest i think our wee forum is running on empty, but, i won't kill it off while we still have some folks posting away.
    Fingers crossed we will gain some new supporters

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  • YB
    Brouwer joins in occasionally

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  • 4AMNTN
    oh I agree! Let me think: Monique, Fiona, JD, Vince, Veronica, Deanie, LD, Katie?, RuffNeil, Ruth, Style, Meg, then (sorry) a guy from Jakarta? maybe? then Dot .
    And as you say Gis, YB, Dan & myself.... who else?

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