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What's your weather like?

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  • YB
    Windy here - had to do a repair job on te garden fence

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  • Gismo
    Got a wee burn on today, sun was out but disguised with a very cool breeze

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  • 4AMNTN
    Beautiful day!

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  • 4AMNTN
    Dan! rain? I hope u get some! Otherwise is all good with you?

    Yep - it's 60's - 40's here. But after Wednesday night I think we're in the clear for above 50 nights! YES!

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  • Gismo
    here just now and quite cold

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  • YB
    Rain has been forecast every day this week but we are still waiting. Cold though

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  • Dan M.
    We have a late season rain forecast in the middle of next week. We'll see if it really happens.

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  • Gismo
    And back to wearing long trousers, ah well, too cold and a colder snap coming through

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  • 4AMNTN
    Yes, y'all it's cool here. Having to keep the ferns "up". I did wear shorts yesterday afternoon - in the morning had FULL sweats going - crazy, right!

    good luck GIS

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  • Gismo
    Actually got to wear shorts for a recent golf game and hoping for the same today, quite sunny but with a cooling breeze

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  • YB
    Thanks, Fours. Lets hope so, in 10 days time it's May and we shouldn't need the heating on then. We have just put it on today, 5pm Friday

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  • 4AMNTN
    Wishing y'all nicer weather

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Gismo
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    After lots of rain late last week it's been good here for the past few days. Dry with some sun. Not very warm though, maybe mid 50's during the day but by 6pm it definitely gets cooler
    Exactly this, crisp start to this morning and brightened up with a wee bit of warmth

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  • 4AMNTN
    It's sunny and 80 today. then we'll have another cold snap. Having to take down my ferns every night & for the next 10 days! April 15th is usually the freeze end for Tennessee. Tomatoes in the ground 2nd week in May for 4th of July tomatoes!

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  • YB
    After lots of rain late last week it's been good here for the past few days. Dry with some sun. Not very warm though, maybe mid 50's during the day but by 6pm it definitely gets cooler

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