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What's your weather like?

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  • 4AMNTN
    cold low 40's wet. BUT WE CARRY ON!

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  • 4AMNTN
    Ha! I hope OUR weather holds out for 2 more days! Gotta get the decorations up -- took on a huge project. I hope it looks as nice outside as it does in my head.

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  • Gismo
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    Our forecast for the next couple of weeks is dry and bright and misty and foggy with some rain and possibly snow - in other words the forecasters have no idea
    Same here

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  • YB
    Our forecast for the next couple of weeks is dry and bright and misty and foggy with some rain and possibly snow - in other words the forecasters have no idea

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  • 4AMNTN
    Rainy on & off today & rain over next 4-5 day seriously gonna mess up our decorating plans.

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  • 4AMNTN
    road gritters? (looked it up) OH!! yeah, we call them salt trucks here. haaaaa

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  • YB
    No frost or road gritting for us yet but cannot be far away. Definitely cooler both day and night

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  • Dan M.
    Cool (for us - day time temps in the low 60s) partly cloudy week until Thursday, when the rain that was supposed to be here early in the week will supposedly arrive,

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  • Gismo
    We are now into frosty nights with road gritters spraying the roads, seems a bit early this year

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  • 4AMNTN
    Today will be nice- TONIGHT? thunderstorms & cooler the rest of the week. But this morning! sweet!
    Attached Files

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  • 4AMNTN
    ALL that ounds good! I wish you rain Dan. It's 65 today which is so much better than the last 2 freezing weeks. We are also expecting rain the next 2 days. Our first frost was Oct6-7th.... I remember because it was SO ODD!. Lovin' this weather.

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  • Dan M.
    Our weather is spectacular this week. Mid 70s to maybe low 80s by Thanksgiving Day, low 50s/high 40s at night. We still need rain badly. Might get a brief shot at some by early next week.

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  • Gismo
    Had our first frost of the year, can feel it getting colder each day

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  • YB
    WE have had quite a lot of rain this past week. Temperatures in the mid 40's during the day, dropping to 40 at night

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  • 4AMNTN
    OH my gosh - it is so cold here! It hasn't been passed 45? and at night it's low 20's. SO odd! I love the weather - but it's not even Thanksgiving yet! BUT of course next week it's back into the 60's. Do y'all know if it'll be NICE for your 24th?

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