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  • YB
    Unfortunately Style and Meg seem to have gone the way of a lot of others. The BJ now seems to be down to Gis, Dan, Fours and myself.

    If any of the previous regulars look in it would be good to hear from you!

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  • 4AMNTN
    Whoa! Anyone heard from Style or Meg?? Massive winds down there.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Another beautiful day ... 42 when we woke up & going to be 68-70 .... YES! Y'all enjoy

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  • 4AMNTN
    it was 44 this morning! We used the heat for the first time ... catching up to y'all across the pond!

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  • Gismo
    Way cooler now, jackets required at nights and that's the shorts packed away

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  • 4AMNTN
    Thanks. Pets are family & when they start passing, or are sick it HURTS like family too.

    It's cooler! yea! mid to low 70's and dipping down to a 68-48 on Wednesday -- wonderful.
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  • YB
    Sorry to hear the sad news about your cat Fours.

    Definitely getting colder here. Maybe 55 at the warmest, then 45 ish at night
    Last edited by YB; 29-09-2022, 04:04 PM.

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  • 4AMNTN
    thank you .... today is a stormy morning.... fitting of my mood.

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  • Gismo
    Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat, sad day indeed

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  • 4AMNTN
    Today is overcast, cool now ... not so -- nice ... fits my mood our 18 year old cat Mama Kitty had to be put to sleep yesterday --- it was very sad - 18 years. oh my & the OG3 == original girls 3 :: Simon, Lucy & Dot are 17, right behind her. She was an in/out cat but in an ENCLOSURE.... she was semi wild -- I only touched her yesterday for the first time!!! Sad day.

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  • 4AMNTN
    It's beautiful today !

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  • 4AMNTN
    Dan -- oh wow! That's awesome! I can see why -- I'll look up the site.

    It's getting WARM again. 95 today 97 tomorrow with a "feels like" of 10 - freakin'2!! BUT, Thursday will only be 78. what's the world???
    60 sounds perfect! nice!

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  • YB
    Went away for a few days last week. Lovely weather Wednesday & Thursday. Lots of rain Friday (until around 3pm). Since then - "mixed" - some rain, some sun. Temperature around 60

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  • 4AMNTN
    Beautiful these last 3 days and ALL week! waking up to 50s the highs are low 80's. AHHH nice!
    Dan! How was your vacation? pictures?

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  • Gismo
    Have had a sustained amount of rain over a dew days now, much needed and can continue for as long as it likes since i'm going to Turkey on Monday

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