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  • 4AMNTN
    getting a bout of ICE next two days - high's low 30's low's 20's..... yuk, ice

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  • 4AMNTN
    Dan the weather out there seems so erratic - well I think of constantly sunny - like most do about California.... glad ur there to "tell the story right". (luv to quote movies). We have humidity, tornadoes.... yep that about it ha!

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  • Dan M.
    71 degeres and sunny today, but, MAN, did we get some wind overnight! Whew! Still windy today, but not as bad here in the lowlands. In the foothills and canyons that surround Los Angeles, the winds are still kicking pretty strong. Hopefully no fires break out. Luckily we had those few weeks of rainy weather to make everything green.

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  • YB
    Recently we had a very cold spell, then a very wet spell, then cold again so since Christmas it's not been too good so to see some bright sunshine for a couple of hours today was brilliant. Only just over 40 degrees at the warmest but is better. Forecast is similar for the next couple of weeks. If of course the forecasters have got it right

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  • 4AMNTN
    Brouwer, that's beautiful! Thanks for sharing! We are having lots of rain, few tornadoes ....(in Alabama where mom lives) today is going to be in the 60's - then lower I believe. I'd love some snow! Brouwer I live near Music City, Nashville, TN. -- Southern USA

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  • YB
    Our Monday Tuesday snow is still here. Very cold

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  • Brouwer
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    After a spell ot temperatures in the 40's and a lot of rain it is now cooling off here with temps in the low 30's. A light covering of snow this morning
    Same in the Netherlands. For the first time in a long, long time we had clear skies. Ik took this picture Tuesday morning. It's my home town Zutphen. Tonight we will have some snow!Zutphen_zonsopgang.jpg

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  • YB
    After a spell ot temperatures in the 40's and a lot of rain it is now cooling off here with temps in the low 30's. A light covering of snow this morning

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  • 4AMNTN
    Great update! Worried for y'all out that way. The tornado was lower in the state - so we missed it, but devastation in Selma. HEY -- It's snowing!!!

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  • Dan M.
    Still safe here, thanks for checking. We're getting a little break between storms right now. More is supposed to come in on Saturday morning. Currently in our immediate area we're at about 60% of what our average is supposed to be in a rainy season with at least two more potentially rainy months to go. Typically the rain peters out after March and becomes very sporadic (if it comes at all) until October/November. Other areas of the state are getting hit harder, but they typically get hit harder than we do anyway, it's just that this beyond typical for them. And january gives our coast the biggest tides of the year, which have coincided with this round of storms and thus the damage to roadways and infrastructure along the beaches.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Dan? Any updates- looks rough out there! Thinking of y'all
    Of course another week in Alabama ANOTHER tornado producing storm,hail straight line winds. Currently

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  • 4AMNTN
    Austria vacation! Wow. I bet that's beautiful. Send pictures when u get that way.
    YB & Gis … AND Dan - we're having partly sunny 'bout 60 here. Gonna rain the next 2 days — and of course OF COURSE here in northern Alabama a chance of tornadoes!
    Dan so sorry for all the bad weather ur way! U and ur family good?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • YB
    Our weather is pretty similar to that of Gis. Monday was mainly dry and bright but Tuesday is back to wet and windy. When I got up this morning I thought I had got up earlier than usual because it was so dark. It was around 10.30 before the light was anything like normal.

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  • Gismo
    More and here again today

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  • Brouwer
    At the moment we have rain, rain and more rain in the Netherlands.
    We planned our winterholiday (last week) in Austria. There was no snow at all at our hotel, so we skipped this one. Maybe we give it another try in February.

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