We don't have Amazon Prime as a regular thing but peroodically they offer us a free month "trial" which we take up This year's free month, mid Nov to mid Dec was ideal as we can get all our Christmas parcel purchases delivered free. And at the time it seemed ideal, knowing that Reacher started on the 15th. We thought we could watch all 8 by the 19th when our offer expired.
Thinking back to series one, it had already finished by the time we were offered that year's free month so watching all 8 episodes back to back wasn't a problem. This time we'll have to pay to extend our watching time
No announcement yet.
Next Reacher series on Am Prime
Oh? We'll watch tonight -- been a lot going on this week the house is UPSIDE DOWN. looking forward to it thoYB - I've had Amazon Prime for YEARS. But we have never had HBO SGO CIN STARZ etc. But we pay a package fee so we can get the SMITHSONIAN channel.
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Having investigated I find that episodes 1,2 & 3 are all available now, but after that it's one a week until January 19th. Whether or not that will change as we progress we'll have to see (and hope).
A bit disappointing. We don't have Prime as a regular thing but we were offered a free month which we took advantage of. This expires on December 19th so we were hoping to be able to watch the whole series on our free month. It now seems that we will have to pay for at least one, maybe two extra months.
Being from Yorkshire we are notorious for being "frugal" with our money. Some would say tight or skinflint plus various other terms that are often used.
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I thought once started you could watch them all but my old memory might be wrong
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I didn't even know he was to be on the big screen. Is that just selected US venues or world wide?
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Originally posted by Dan M. View PostDid you guys see the promotional thing Prime is doing? They're giving away free tickets to see the first 2 episodes of Season 2 in theaters on 12/13. I scored a pair, so I get to see Reacher on the big screen two days before the Prime series starts!
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Did you guys see the promotional thing Prime is doing? They're giving away free tickets to see the first 2 episodes of Season 2 in theaters on 12/13. I scored a pair, so I get to see Reacher on the big screen two days before the Prime series starts!
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