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Next Reacher series on Am Prime

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  • 4AMNTN
    Have y'all seen the advertisement for a series involving Alan Ritchson, Henry Cavill, John Krasanski, ... The Ministry Ungentlemanly Warfare sounds good - an elite WW II unit out - British? July 25 PRIME .... I see other faces I think I recognize


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  • 4AMNTN
    persuader : the scene with the revolver, an Anaconda ---- that threw me. Don't wanna "fact check it" tho. This is one of my favorite books.

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  • 4AMNTN
    So the next series is based on Persuader? That's the VAL guns, right? And the matching pistols? Also .... is that the book where he tell of Roulette ? I think I liked that one..... a lot.

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  • YB
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    I agree that the sites seem all over the place. I don't like that, and I'm not sure what book they're going to do next without fail or tripwire is what I've read, but I'm not sure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I refer you to my post of four days ago. I have now seen this in two separate places. Do you think this is a good one? I definitely liked the book

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  • 4AMNTN
    I agree that the sites seem all over the place. I don't like that, and I'm not sure what book they're going to do next without fail or tripwire is what I've read, but I'm not sure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Gismo
    I just hope the acting gets better, it was pathetic in season 2, the scenes seemed to just jump about showing them at various sites

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    Information I've seen suggests the next one will be based on Persuader. Neagley will be in it

    On screen December '24
    Yes, Persuader has been confirmed for Season 3. We all know Neagley is not in Persuader. She wasn't in Killing Floor either, though, and that season was mostly pretty good. The opening chapter of Persuader is arguably the best Chapter 1 in the entire series. I have no doubt that it will get changed in the TV series. I just hope they can keep the changes to a minimum.

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  • YB
    Information I've seen suggests the next one will be based on Persuader. Neagley will be in it

    On screen December '24

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  • 4AMNTN
    Well, we've finally watched all eight episodes and I enjoyed it. I didn't notice the language I guess if it's not real smut and if a child's not cussing -nowadays it just kind of goes over my head I don't care for how they switch up locations and time frames within the book, but the series I enjoyed. of course y'all know I don't care for Neagley being African-American (and is the G not pronounced. I thought it was Neeg- lee , but he calls her Knee lee). I did not picture that though I do like the character on this series. I'm anxious to see what the next book will be that they show. I do know that they're already filming it, so there must be some information out there.
    So overall yes I'm enjoying them

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  • YB
    I've seen all 8 episodes now and my view is good, eight out of ten. I noticed and understand the points made on here but they weren't big enough issues to spoil it for me. As I said before there was an unneccessary (in my opinion) amount of bad language

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  • 4AMNTN
    The main thing I DON'T like is how it doesn't follow the books, it changes up locations, people & TIMIMG!....REACHER is huge in these - he was big - yeah I get it, but....there's a lot less calculation on his part too. We're gonna watch 7 & 8 tonight.

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    The way Hollywood have form for changing books it may be that Reacher & Neagley are married by the end of this series!!

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  • Gismo
    I've seen 6 episodes, i just find the acting so bad that i can hardly watch it, will get around to watching the rest, but, i'm not liking it at all

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  • YB
    One thing I have noticed is the abundance of bad language which never appears in the books. Damn and Ass are about the nearest to swearing in the books. I'm not really bothered, I'm not a prude, but is it really neccessary?

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  • YB
    I've only seen three eps so far but I'm liking it. Mrs YB especiaaly likes in when Reacher appears minus his shirt I'm afraid I can't compete with that

    Regarding Dan's post where Neagley only has a big part in Without Fail - The way Hollywood have form for changing books it may be that Reacher & Neagley are married by the end of this series!!

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