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  • 4AMNTN
    Beautiful again today 89 .... our clover in the yard is too much!

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  • 4AMNTN

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  • YB
    Best day of the year so far for us. About 5-6 hours of sun, temperature not quite 70 but definitely high 60's

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  • Dan M.
    70s and 80s here for the next 10 days at least.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Y'all are having some good nap weather. It's beautiful again today -

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  • Gismo
    Horrible day of

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  • YB
    Still very mixed here. Wet/Dry/Windy/Cold. It's May on Wednesday and it's still cold here

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  • 4AMNTN
    WHAT! oh my! I'll have to look for that - wow. We're having beautiful weather! mid 70's sun! breezy..... ah Spring.
    I'll wish some ur way YB.

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  • YB
    News headlines today for "Britain". Two different sources

    1) Britain set to suffer 102 continuous hours of snow next week

    2) Britain set to see temperatures of 19 degrees next week. That's 66 Fahrenheit.

    And we are expected to take these weather guys seriously

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  • 4AMNTN
    Up & Down -- it's weird. They cll for 90-10% rain - so I've putting off plans & EVERYDAY there is little to NO rain.Woke up to today's high 63. I have almost given up on ACCUWEATHER - I usually watch Ryan Hall on YT or Weatherman on YT. They have the BEST radars!!!!
    Almost FERN SEASON!

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  • 4AMNTN
    That's great for y'all Dan! Seems like Gis & YB are getting the rainy end of the stick.... it's going to be good temperatures BUT rainy - yuk. looks like a few more 40's at night THEN it's over!

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  • Gismo
    More rain overnight, however, high winds today

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  • YB
    We are due Storm Kathleen any day now, heavy rain and high winds. Although the worst is forecast to be in the west, I am in the middle and Gis is near the east coast so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad for us.

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  • Dan M.
    I think our last burst of winter is rolling through tomorrow and a bit into Saturday. Highs in the 50s and scattered rain/thunderstorms. After this we should be pretty much done for the season. We got 5" to 6" of extra rain this winter.

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  • Gismo
    We are just at the end of 4 days of continuous rain.
    Sun is shining but more rain later

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