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  • 4AMNTN
    It's going to be beautiful for the next few weeks! next Thursday 74-48, YES!!!!!! (maybe they'll start replacing our fence)

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  • Dan M.
    I agree, there are probably several factors, but yes, Facebook and Instagram have decimated most forums EXCEPT the ones that help people deal directly with their life issues, like stuff about their car or house. Those forums have lost people, but not nearly as many as forums about authors, books, or places to vacation, etc. That seems backwards to me. On these forums you don't have to sift through a bunch of crap to find the good stuff.

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  • Gismo
    Facebook has absolutely killed forums like ours.
    People just dont care about a structured forum, most folks just want to post something, anything and move on.
    If people would just give forums a chance they would see that being structured to various things actually creates more interest, even with Tapatalk helping folks just want the mass provider of Facebook

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  • YB
    I'll second the big round of applause for Gis.

    I agree with your points, Fours. Probably no single big reason, rather several smaller ones.

    I agree that the Reacher books aren't quite as good as they were but that's only one a year. When there were many more people on here then lots more books/authors were mentioned and I still read some authors who were recommended on here (or the previous forum) a lot of years ago.

    Do the former members discuss books on FaceBook or whatever with other book readers? I have no idea because I don't do FaceBook or any of the other stuff

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  • 4AMNTN
    I truly enjoy talking & keeping up with y'all. ALL, everyone that was on here. - .... ... deleted -
    I'm guessing it was the movies? the last several books that weren't as good? FB, other social media????? Anyone else have an idea? Once again I appreciate GIS and all he does!

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  • YB
    It surprises me as to why a lot of the fairly regulars on here a few years ago have disappeared. Did one of us say something to cause offence?

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  • 4AMNTN
    I know Meg & Style aren't here - but they both live in Florida - looks rough coming up

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • YB
    Dry here but cold, well cool. Barely 50 and it's still summer

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    Whoa that sounds VERY nice Gis. We're having the hottest days in forever - MOST of the US is hot! I don't see how the guys are playing golf in Atlanta is week - did u see them in Memphis -- wild! What about y'all out there Dan?
    I did not see them in Memphis.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Whoa that sounds VERY nice Gis. We're having the hottest days in forever - MOST of the US is hot! I don't see how the guys are playing golf in Atlanta is week - did u see them in Memphis -- wild! What about y'all out there Dan?

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  • Gismo
    Noticed a drop in temps here, prob only like 16 or 17 degrees, not had much of a summer this year.
    Thankfully going to Spain in September for a golfing break

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  • 4AMNTN
    My! Thx for the update & I hope u are all well out there! It's gonna be 110+ heat index every day this week. ugh

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  • Dan M.
    Well, down on the coastal plain in Orange County, Hilary pretty much turned out to be a nothing burger. The damage you might see in the news is all in the hills and canyons and out in the desert, far from us. We got 2" or 3" of rain spread throughout the day so it had plenty of time to run off without flooding. The wind wasn't much where we were either. We had worse storms last winter. And the earthquake epicenter was 100 miles from us. We just felt a wiggly little nudge. Thank you all for your concern.

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  • 4AMNTN
    Goodness an earthquake too! and now the awful floods - are y'all safe?

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  • Gismo
    Originally posted by Dan M. View Post

    This is only the 3rd time since they've been keeping records that a hurricane has held together long enough to reach Southern California. The last one was in 1939 (lots of damage!), and before that was 1885. It will "only" be a tropical storm when it gets here, but so were the last two.
    The storm was shown on our news channels here in the UK, tough conditions

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