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What's your weather like?

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  • Gismo
    Overcast but warm here today

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  • YB
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    that is true! It's so muggy humid hot here -- Next week the TEMP will be 105 - the actual temperature!!!!
    Definitely wouldn't like that. Very wet here today

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  • 4AMNTN
    that is true! It's so muggy humid hot here -- Next week the TEMP will be 105 - the actual temperature!!!!

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  • YB
    Millions and millions is spent on weather forecasting, numerous TV and Radio hours are spent telling us about it, but it is rarely correct. If anyone doing a different job was as useless as they are they would be dismissed immediately.

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  • 4AMNTN
    OH ha, YB -- we say that here too - in the South. But it's usually an everyday forecast.

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  • YB
    It's early afternoon and we've had rain, wind, cloudy & sunny here today. Pretty much like the past few days. Some of the rain has been very heavy.

    The weather forecasting chappies would call it "unsettled". It's their favourite because whatever they forecast they can claim to be right at least part of the time

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  • Gismo
    Same as YB, cooler weather and quite windy, throw in some rain as well

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  • YB
    After some warm weather for most of June these past few days have been much cooler, low to mid 50's

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  • Gismo
    Changeable conditions, warm weather throughout tempered with rain and sunshine, just another day in Scotland

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  • YB
    Thanks for the info, Dan

    Very wet here this week. Much needed though as the grass was turning brown

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  • 4AMNTN
    sounds like the BEST day of ur week! thx for sharing!

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by YB View Post

    What do you do Sunday, Dan?
    Church in the morning, visit my Mom in the afternoon, Disneyland at night with our daughter. I can visit my Mom and Disneyland during the week too, but Sunday is becoming the anchor day that helps me remember what the other days are. My phone is also good for that.

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  • 4AMNTN
    yeah, now I need to know. -- church, family ..... just being "home"

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  • YB
    Originally posted by Dan M. View Post

    I'm digging it! Every day except Sunday is the weekend!
    What do you do Sunday, Dan?

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    Hi Dan! Hope ur enjoying retirement!
    I'm digging it! Every day except Sunday is the weekend!

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