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What's your weather like?

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  • 4AMNTN
    OH GIS they're adorable! small - how cute! fun! thx so much. Anyone else wanna post???
    Last edited by 4AMNTN; 22-11-2023, 03:42 PM.

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  • Dan M.
    After a week or two of dry warm weather with temps in a 80s, we are getting a few days of cooler, rainy weather. We need it!

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  • Gismo
    Always a good time to post a doggie pic:-

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  • 4AMNTN
    Rain would be nice here YB. It'll prolly rain on our busiest driving day of the year. GIS. any photos of ur dogs?

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  • Gismo
    Originally posted by YB View Post
    Occasionally we get sunny and in the 50's but most of the time it's low 40's and Wet Wet Wet!!
    Same here, finally a dry day today so the dogs will get their usual walk

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  • YB
    Occasionally we get sunny and in the 50's but most of the time it's low 40's and Wet Wet Wet!!

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  • 4AMNTN
    our weather is nice - high 60's lows in the high 30's at night. Very nice.

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  • 4AMNTN
    I hope we have snow FETT and FEET of snow this Winter YB. For now tho this rain is nice

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  • YB
    It seems really cold to me at the moment, must be getting old. It's gonna get a lot lot colder in December/January

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  • 4AMNTN
    It's beautiful today! Gonna be 80. Ahhhh the Fall in Tennessee. IMG_3791.jpg

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  • 4AMNTN
    Nicethe weather is beautiful-

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Dan M.
    Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
    well. Seems the cold snap is over for the next 2 weeks! 70's here we come!

    Dan: did your wife make it in to see her friend? The weather will be beautiful!
    She did! She's still there enjoying your beautiful state!

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  • YB
    We have had an enormous amount of rain this past 3 weeks or so. We seem to get one dry day a week and 6 wet ones. Most of those are very wet, rivers very high in some areas

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  • 4AMNTN
    well. Seems the cold snap is over for the next 2 weeks! 70's here we come!

    Dan: did your wife make it in to see her friend? The weather will be beautiful!

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  • 4AMNTN
    ohhh wow. Don't mind all that as long as I'm inside - but the big OAK TREE just 10' off the bedroom makes me nervous.

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