Saw Infinity War. I know after 18 movies more or less pointing to this one that the whole "Thanos is coming thing" isn't going to be resolved in just one movie, but I still feel a little used knowing I have to wait a year to find out what happens next. How do you even rate a movie like this one? Technically it was very well done. I continue to be amazed at what CGI can do for movies. But the writers are messing with the characters to move the plot forward. Like with Hulk in the very beginning. The whole deal with Hulk has always been he gets stronger and stronger and stronger as he gets madder and madder and madder. Thanos shouldn't be able to beat him so easily (before getting more of the Infinity Stones anyway). And Thor is easily (we assume) defeated at the very beginning, yet toward the end of the movie he's holding a huge mechanism from closing, making him appear waaaay more powerful than he was earlier, plus when he shows up in Wakanda he easily wipes out a ton of those space dog things but then dials everything back and fights them like the other heroes. I guess the inconsistencies are what make me feel somewhat used. At least Thor gets two eyes again.
Saw Infinity War. I know after 18 movies more or less pointing to this one that the whole "Thanos is coming thing" isn't going to be resolved in just one movie, but I still feel a little used knowing I have to wait a year to find out what happens next. How do you even rate a movie like this one? Technically it was very well done. I continue to be amazed at what CGI can do for movies. But the writers are messing with the characters to move the plot forward. Like with Hulk in the very beginning. The whole deal with Hulk has always been he gets stronger and stronger and stronger as he gets madder and madder and madder. Thanos shouldn't be able to beat him so easily (before getting more of the Infinity Stones anyway). And Thor is easily (we assume) defeated at the very beginning, yet toward the end of the movie he's holding a huge mechanism from closing, making him appear waaaay more powerful than he was earlier, plus when he shows up in Wakanda he easily wipes out a ton of those space dog things but then dials everything back and fights them like the other heroes. I guess the inconsistencies are what make me feel somewhat used. At least Thor gets two eyes again.