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Tripwire Trivia (slight TRIPWIRE SPOILER)
Tripwire Trivia (slight TRIPWIRE SPOILER)
Some trivia for your 9/11-related contemplation: United Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center 6 floors below Hook Hobie's office, 2 years after the events in TRIPWIRE. If the Hobies hadn't started Leon Garber looking for their son, Hook Hobie (Carl Allen), Tony, and the other two guys presumably would've died that day in September instead of being killed by Jack Reacher in 1999.
Last edited by Dan M.; 11-09-2015, 05:58 PM.sigpic The rules are: There ain't no rules.Tags: None
Originally posted by Dan M. View PostSome trivia for your 9/11-related contemplation: United Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center 6 floors below Hook Hobie's office, 2 years after the events in TRIPWIRE. If the Hobie's hadn't started Leon Garber looking for their son, Hook Hobie, Tony, and the other two guys presumably would've died that day in September instead of being killed by Jack Reacher in 1999.
Good one Dan! We were up in the WTC North tower in 1995. The views, wow!!! I'll try to locate a good one. /// What was so neat about looking out the windows was that looking beyond ... like TO the Statue of Liberty, you could SEE it, but in the "forefront" was a description painted ONTO the glass of what you were seeing & information about it. AWESOME!
I'll go pull out a pic of our photo album.
The reason why I like the Hard Way & Tripwire & Gone Tomorrow is because they take place in NYC. And I know it pretty well!
1995 looking out TOWARDS 1. Brooklyn Bridge, 2. Empire State Building, 3. Statue of Liberty. The black that looks like magic marker smear at the top of the Statue of Liberty picture is the WORDING I was referring to. Told you what it was when it was built ALL the information in a few short sentences, plus if I remember right it was outlined, the paint was AROUND the Statue like it was 4 inches high,
The second group is Nov. 2001. We had already purchased our trip so we could watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. Our car driver suggested we go down & see the area. We had a burned cardboard type taste in the back of our throats after like 10 minutes being out there. It was so sad, & amazing all together.
Wow, thanks for sharing those, 4! I was in NYC in February 2001 and spent some time wandering around in the financial district. Now I wish I had taken pictures of things and paid more attention to stuff down there.sigpic The rules are: There ain't no rules.
Tripwire Trivia (slight TRIPWIRE SPOILER)
Yeah we say that too. But we never thought about the bombing just 2 years before there. In 95 the government was shut down & we had the place to ourselves almost ... those pics were from the observatory fl.
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