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  • well we certainly understand that!


    • Dan! are you having a nice trip?


      • Gis and YB - Guess WHAT! Dan was in town with his wife & we actually got to meet. WOW, right. I have been so thankful for his friendship and kind words - and it was possible because we ALL stuck it out. Gis, thanks for keeping TBJ going & to y'all for the "talk". We had a great lunch - found out things about each other, then too soon it was time to go.
        I'm just so thankful for it all.
        PICTURES to come!


        • That sounds excellent, glad you had a good meet and catch up


          • Great to hear 4, amazing how small the world can be sometimes
            I haven't failed, i've merely found 10,000 reasons why it didn't work


            • Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
              Gis and YB - Guess WHAT! Dan was in town with his wife & we actually got to meet. WOW, right. I have been so thankful for his friendship and kind words - and it was possible because we ALL stuck it out. Gis, thanks for keeping TBJ going & to y'all for the "talk". We had a great lunch - found out things about each other, then too soon it was time to go.
              I'm just so thankful for it all.
              PICTURES to come!
              Thank you again for buying me lunch, 4! Also thank you again for the gifts. That was so thoughtful of you. We had a good trip. Meeting you in person was one of the highlights, definitely! I loved yours and Kevin's TN accents. Y'all probably thought I was the one with the accent!

              Gis and YB, you don't know this yet, but on the second full day of our trip I found out my Mom had taken a turn for the worse and was dying. She passed the following day. We were two time zones away and weren't able to be there, but she had three grandchildren and two other friends who stepped in and spent hours talking to her and playing music as she was passing. Needless to say, the rest of the trip was an up and down gamut of emotions.
              sigpic The rules are: There ain't no rules.


              • Originally posted by Dan M. View Post
                Gis and YB, you don't know this yet, but on the second full day of our trip I found out my Mom had taken a turn for the worse and was dying. She passed the following day. We were two time zones away and weren't able to be there, but she had three grandchildren and two other friends who stepped in and spent hours talking to her and playing music as she was passing. Needless to say, the rest of the trip was an up and down gamut of emotions.
                Am so sorry to hear this Dan, condolences to you and your family
                I haven't failed, i've merely found 10,000 reasons why it didn't work


                • That's awful, Dan. Awful at any time but especially when you are miles away


                  • Dan I hope y'all got home safely - I was wondering about the events with your mom & how the family was ALL holding up. I'm so sorry for your loss .
                    Funny, I didn't think of our accents - ha! When we got home I played Wilford Brimley and Kevin said "yep that's it". What a wonderful comparison.
                    Again, thinking of you & your family


                    • Trying to put up 4th decorations this weekend. Lordy it's HOT! Hope everyone is good out there!


                      • AND .... here is it! image000001.jpg


                        • And - what we've been up to IMG_1666.jpg IMG_1671-1.jpg


                          • Originally posted by 4AMNTN View Post
                            AND .... here is it! image000001.jpg
                            I posted this picture on Facebook and tagged some of our truant forum members--Katie, Fiona, Veronica, and Froggie.
                            sigpic The rules are: There ain't no rules.

