Beautiful day .... 27 last night - covered my mums real good - DUH - totally forgot my ferns - ugh.
No announcement yet.
What are you doing?
Mo here, Dave in hospital with something called a dropped foot, cannot wiggle toes on left foot and foot is unable to hold his balance. He has fallen about times and the last time he fell we think he may have hit his head. It was during the night and our daughter, who lives downstairs, heard the crash and came racing upstairs to find out the problem. He was lying in the doorway to the computer room, which is nowhere near the bathroom if that was where he was heading. Called the ambulance and he was unaware of what had happened so thought it best to get him checked out in hospital. Did lots of test but the only thing that was apparent was the fact there was little movement in the left foot. Is getting physio for it and wears a brace to keep the foot steady. He's desperate to come home and I don't know if we are going to be able to handle him without help, he's a heavy man and says he doesn't want any home help, no Personal Support Worker etc. So if he falls and we can't get him up then it's back to the hospital. He really should be in a place where there is help looking after him, helping in and out of bed, helping with physio and exercises etc., however we'll have to see how it works out. His discharge date is November 11 and we have to have the brace purchased before that as he's is using the hospital one right now. It fits into his shoe and keeps the foot rigid. He'll need a walker on the living room level and the bedroom and bathroom level. Will report after he's home with update on condition. Really weird being home by myself when Sheila is at work. She now has her driver's licence back as he epilepsy medicine is controlling any seizures and has done for six months. She's delighted to be back in the driver's seat and not having to pay for cabs to get her back and forward to work. Her restaurant only serves take out, the seating area is closed and they all wear masks. It's a really different life and I wish all the non-believers who won't wear a mask to help stop the virus would wise up and do the helpful thing. End of medical report. Hope all are well.
Hey Mo. thank you for checking in - for taking the time to let us know how things are going with you Dave and your daughter I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a time of it - it probably would be easier if he were somewhere that could tend to his needs while he’s healing it’s very hard on the family to do that - please take care and keep us posted when you can
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I didn't know that Fours. It seems that every day is World something Day, it's hard to keep track. Anyway thanks for the info and happy World Kindness Day to all the BJ'ers!! Presumably that was yesterday (Friday) with the time difference. It is just after noon Saturday here in the UK so I'm probably a day late
Well ... over the weekend Kevin didn't "feel good" ... lots of low back, pelvic pain - & yep pretty sure NOW we know he has kidney stone #25-6 making an appearance. with the last stone "blasted" we knew he had 3 more & they passed on their own -- but this new "little guy" .... surprise! oh me.
It's another beautiful day! Kevin's kidney stone has calmed down OR sitting somewhere waiting to cause pain at the most inconvenient moment. Just made my last Xmas purchases - this for family/friends pets. That makes me finished! Well, we draw family names at Thanksgiving. Im so glad we started doing that last year - because there are 10 of us at 100.00 each THEN there are 3 December Bdays (& Kevin Xmas) ... gets expensive & stressful.
This summer my parents decided they wanted to move. They'd been in this house 25 years made it into a beautiful 1883 farmhouse 15 acres and a gorgeous gardens. But they are 76 now & mom is tired & my Dad's health is always in question - back surgeries x7 - knee replacement - etc. So mad dash to FIX any repair - get it up for sale & of course it sold in 10 days... they didn't have a place to go - EVERYTHING needed boxing up, moved out stored SOLD. ~~~~ yes, all this with my sister's mental health issues ~~~. it's been so stressful for my mom. Bless her. And during all of this my Dad, having doctor appointments every week sometimes 2-3 she's had to stop & take him. SHE WIL NOT ASK FOR HELP or TAKE IT. she's been that way my whole life - never complains, goes all out - and is private about herself. ANYWAY ... long story short (too late) they moved into an apartment over the weekend .. so Thanksgiving - is up in the air... PLUS today my mom told me Dad isn't feeling well, cough, fever, body aches, he's tired, sad.... wow this is a lot. they're going to get a COVID test this afternoon.
Thank you for listening (again) y'all all take care. -- Christmas a few years ago ...Attached Files